Talk: Pruning vineyards: Updating barcodes by removing simplices
Computational Persistence 2023, 25-29 September 2023, Purdue University, IN, USA

Talk: Parametrized chain complexes
Applied homological algebra beyond persistence diagrams, 19-23 June 2023, American Institute of Mathematics, CA, USA

Talk: Some like it sparse
Computational Persistence 2022, 31 October-4 November 2022, online

Talk: Fantastic barcode algorithms and where to find them
Topology of Data, 15-16 September 2022, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Talk: Average complexity of persistence algorithms for clique filtrations
ATMCS10, 20-24 June 2022, University of Oxford, UK

Poster: Amplitudes FAQ
ATMCS10, 20-24 June 2022, University of Oxford, UK

Talk: Amplitudes on abelian categories
Lorentz Center Workshop on Metrics in Multiparameter Persistence 19-22 July 2021, online

Talk: The amplitude of an abelian category: Measures in persistence theory
IMSI Workshop on Topological Data Analysis 26-30 April 2021, online

Talk: Notes on pivot pairings,
EuroCG21 7-9 April 2021, online

Talk: Persistence algorithms from filtered chain complexes point of view
JMM 2021 - AMS Special Session on Applied Topology 6-9 January 2021, online

Talk: Parametrised chain complexes
SIAM AG19 - Minisymposium Algebraic geometry in topological data analysis 9-13 July 2019, Bern, Switzerland

Talk: Classification of filtered chain complexes
Joint meeting SIMAI-UMI-PTM, 17-20 September 2018 Wrocław, Poland

Poster: Decomposition of filtered chain complexes
Algebraic Topology: Methods, Computation and Science 8, 25-29 June 2018 IST, Wien, Austria

Talk: Decomposition of filtered chain complexes: Structure theorem and algorithm
Symposium of Computational Geometry - YR Forum, 11-14 June 2018, Renyi Institute, Budapest, Hungary

Poster: Decomposition of persistent chain complexes
TAGS - Linking Topology to Algebraic Geometry and Statistics, Max Planck Institute, 19-23 February 2018, Leipzig, Germany

Talk: Topology and data science: an introduction to persistent homology
Young Topologists Meeting, 3-7 July 2017, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

Variations on theme barcode algorithm, 10 November 2023, CUNY Graduate Center Data Science and Applied Topology Seminar

Chain complexes and topological data analysis, 17 October 2023, American University

Abelianity, tameness, and model structure (or, the importance of transfers), 2 May 2023, EPFL Applied topology seminar

Chain complexes and persistence theory, 3 October 2022, Womxn in ALGTOP Online Seminar

Average complexity of persistence algorithms, 29 April 2022, AATRN Vietoris-Rips online seminar

Persistence modules and amplitudes, 14 April 2022, FD online seminar

Amplitudes in multiparameter persistence, 11 March 2022, ATiA seminar, Albany, USA

Amplitudes in persistence theory, 8 March 2022, PHST online seminar

Persistence decomposition algorithms, 15 February 2021, Journal Club Heidelberg - online

Filtered chain complexes and persistence algorithms, 21 January 2021, UCLA TDA seminar - online

Invariants for tame parametrised chain complexes, 9 October 2020, Oxford applied topology seminar - online

Persistence theory of parametrised chain complexes, 8 October 2020, Graz Geometry seminar

A model category of tame parametrised chain complexes, 7 July 2020, Journal Club Heidelberg - online

Invariants for tame parametrised chain complexes, 6 May 2020, AATRN online seminar

Parametrised chain complexes in persistence theory, 11 February 2020, University of Bologna, Italy

Invariants for tame parametrised chain complexes, 15 January 2020, University of Aberdeen, UK

Parametrised chain complexes as a model category, 26 September 2019, NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Filtered Chain Complexes: Decomposition and Algorithm, 22nd March 2019, TU Munich, Germany

Classification of filtered chain complexes, 29th October 2018, NTNU Trondheim, Norway

Introduction to persistence theory, 20th November 2017, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy

Introduction to zigzag persistence, 26th September 2017, Rühr University Bochum, Germany